Sunday, April 11, 2010

3 reasons, the nut almond butter is better than Peanut Butter

almond butter, butter can not be anywhere near the popularity of regular peanuts, but there is a reason why the almonds is distributed more popular in many consumers. There are more than one type of this spicy spread, like raw almond butter and butter in a slightly different way than normal tonsils, as the regular order is roasted and were quickly Blanch.

Traditional distribution based motherboard in the UKStates and many parts of the world today is the peanut butter, but the classic PB is a good choice compared to spread almond? There are many reasons to consider choosing organic almond butter, natural peanut butter too.

Reason 1: There are far fewer cases of allergies almond. Almost everyone knows someone who has a severe reaction to peanuts, and for some people, the allergy can also cause death. Very few people are allergic to almonds and almond oilAllergies, in most of the time Far are extremely mild.

Reason 2: The almond butter is healthier than peanut butter - even the organic labels. There's less sugar, less unhealthy fats, and equally important, protein and fiber ... and some vitamins that are not so much in the DB.

Reason 3: Many people make the switch, the butter will have moved to the end of the almond nut. The flavor is excellent, and works equally wellwith gelatin as the original.

These are three reasons for peanut butter consumers need to know how to support the alternative almond perhaps healthier.

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